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Steven Gardner
My Fitness Coach

Advanced Level 3 Personal Trainer and fully qualified Exercise (GP) Referral Specialist, I'm here to assist you with all your Health, Fitness & Training needs to achieve your goals, no matter what they are,


Do you want to Tone Up, Lose Weight, increase your Strength & Conditioning, get fit for an event or improve wellbeing & build confidence in yourself?

I setup MyFitnessWorks in January 2017, at Lady Heyes and run both Personal Training sessions and Group Classes. I have traditional gym based equipment, functional kit and even some unique equipment, that can also be tailored to both outside training, as well as in my private studio, to really give you as many options as you need to suit your style of training. I also organise a weekly outdoor bootcamp, called ParkFitness, at Castle Park.

So regardless of your personal circumstances, condition or confidence, I will make sure you're safe, treated professionally, enjoy training and achieve your goals with a tailored training plan. 

I have taken part in various charity fun runs including: London, Liverpool & Chester Marathons and the Athens Classic Marathon, which takes the original marathon route. I regularly play Football and have competed at various levels.


- Steven Gardner

  • Level 3 in Personal Training (inc. Nutrition / Fitness Appraisal)
  • Diploma in Exercise (GP) Referral Specialist, including: Parkinson's, Diabetes, Obesity & Asthma
  • Outdoor Training
  • BootCamp Instructor
  • Circuit Training
  • Group Exercise Instructor
  • Creator of TheWorks, BodyBurn, BodyBlast and ParkFitness
  • Organised a Running Club (MyRunnungClub) based at Castle Park
  • Les Mills GRIT
  • Level 2 in Gym Instruction
  • First Aid & BTACC Qualified 



laurin couzins before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach

gemma brown before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach

jess martin before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach

Qualifications & Experience


So five months ago me and James went on a spa day and I realised that being content in our relationship I had completely let myself go. I came home and found a personal trainer because the thought of putting a bikini back on made me want to cry. 5 months later with lots of hard work results are starting to pay off and I cant thank Steven Gardner enough! Thanks Steve I would never have made or sustained these changes without your constant support and commitment and I will be forever thankful! I can confidently say my PT is better than anybody elses 😆 xx

danielle foulkes before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach


Just wanted to say a massive thank you to Steven Gardner!!

I started training with Steve in February this year, with the aim of getting into shape for my wedding. I'd never been the gym and not done a class before so I was nervous as hell!! At first it was easy to see how weak I was...I couldn't even lift the lightest of weights but each week I built up to a heavier weight!!

I always had the one thought in my head 'I want a flat stomach' but Steve started training my arms and back, in a couple of months my friends and family noticed the difference which made me feel amazing...and gave me more of a drive!!

I ended up craving that pain you feel after a good training session!! I'm not going to lie, it was hard, and there were weeks that I just didn't want to go but with the results I got I'm glad he pushed me to my limits!!

Thanks again, and I can't wait to start training again after my honeymoon!

ashlea ward before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach


"A great Before & After picture of one of my current Personal Training clients, can't wait to see what another 3 months of PT'ing can do for her. Just shows you what commitment and dedication to getting in shape, can do for you!" Steven Gardner - My Fitness Coach

lisa moore before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach


I was really nervous and self-conscious when I started my PT sessions as I had never done anything like this before and hated gyms. 
Steve was recommended by someone I know who was already using the gym, he has been brilliant with the training and advice he has given me. 
My confidence is growing and I feel fitter and stronger. I am so happy with my results so far and I can't wait for the next stage.
I really can't recommend Steve enough, thank you Steve for helping me with my journey!


I contacted Steve Gardner in January 2016 to help me get in shape ahead of my wedding on 9th April 2016. Steve was welcoming from our first review meeting whereby he took my statistics and discussed my goals being mindful we only had 13 weeks. My schedule was very busy and Steve was happy to accommodate my availability for different days and times each week. Steve quickly understood my strengths and weaknesses, varying my training to ensure we maximised the results.

Over the 13 weeks I lost 11.4 lbs, 3.3% body fat, 9 cms off my waist and 7 cms off hips which I was very pleased with. Before and after photos are included below. Steve has also given me the confidence and enthusiasm to continue training even after my personal training sessions have ended. I would definitely use Steve again in the future if I needed support again.

Thank you for your support Steve!


Best personal trainer there is! 100 per cent would recommend Steven, not only is he experienced and knowledgeable, he makes results happen. After feeling reluctant booking pt sessions because I have previously been approached by pushy trainers, I have booked my wedding and decided to approach Steven because he does great circuit groups and has advised on my asthma for training and has a wealth of knowledge in all areas fitness, health & diet.

He is well trained with all medical conditions. I have felt very comfortable training with him. It has not been a chore to get fit, each session is different, enjoyable and every time I leave feeling stronger and fitter! Plus I am only about 6 weeks in, changing shape and looking forward to more sessions. 

Thank you Steven Gardner your ace!

angela williams before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach


Since I started training with Steve in January this year I've dropped a dress size and gone down two notches on my belt! 
I'm stronger and fitter and no longer worry about my bingo wings. I've dropped 5% visceral fat! 
Thanks Steve, you're the best!

scott williams before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach


My wife Angie Williams and I started training with Steve Gardner in January of 2015. 
Over the course of the training, I have lost over a stone in weight, removed more than an inch from my waist and have cut down my 5k running time from over 40 minutes to just over 30. 
Steve is an amazing trainer, very knowledgeable in nutrition and will go out of of his way to help. 
Thank you Steve!!

kim shillington before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach


I’ve never been the type who has enjoyed exercise. After leaving Uni, 2 years or so of no exercise and poor eating habits had caused my weight to slowly creep up and it had got to the point where I had zero confidence. 
My attempt to start running (around the block, which nearly killed me!) made me realise just how unfit I had let myself become. It was at this point I braved it, and joined the gym. This was new and scary to me, so I started out just taking the group classes offered in the gym. I met Steve through his classes, I actually enjoyed them and found him friendly and approachable. After a while I decided I’d like to do more than just the classes and wanted some help as I had no idea what I was doing. Having Steve as my PT was the best decision I’ve ever made!
My goals weren’t primarily for weight loss, just to get fitter and feel better about myself. Steve gave me help and guidance on my eating habits and with training both in and out of the gym. Soon my confidence started to grow, and my waistline began to shrink! I’ve been training with Steve now for over 12 months, and love it. We cover all aspects of fitness, from cardio to weights to boxing style workouts, and I love it all! I’m the fittest and strongest I’ve ever been and my confidence is through the roof! My body shape has completely changed and I’ve lost Kgs in the process (as you can see from the photos, I’ve has to buy a new wardrobe since training with Steve). I do and wear things now I’d never have dreamt of before and exercise has become part of my life that I love and really look forward to.
I truly can’t recommend Steve enough, its cliché, but he really has helped me change my life! His support and guidance has been invaluable.

claire smith before and after my fitness coach steven gardner
claire smith before and after my fitness coach steven gardner

My Fitness Coach


Before and after pictures that demonstrate a straighter back and stronger more upright position of rider in the saddle thanks to less than 2 months personal fitness training working from Steven Gardner focusing on core strength, stamina and condition work. Not bad after a bad riding accident that left me with my spine fractured in 3 places between my shoulders 4 years ago!!!! Well done Steve you have succeeded were countless physio's did not!!! Just shows that personal training is not just for gymnasts and footballers!!!

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